S2 E23: Martin de Bókay, the "French Guru" on finding, listening to, and sharing your own unique voice
“What kept me in LA wanting to make films for all these years was my ego.”
~ Martin de Bókay
In today’s episode, I travelled to Arizona to meet with Martin de Bókay for a live video interview in the beautiful red rocks of Sedona. Martin, who goes by “French Guru” on Instagram, was someone I had to meet. After watching a few of his videos, it was clear he’d done a lot of deep personal work and had had quite a journey. Sure enough, the story he shared was nothing short of inspiring and energizing.
Martin spent half his life in Europe and half in the US. He’s worked as a producer in the film industry in Hollywood on music videos, films, documentaries, TV shows and followed his dream to make films. On all accounts, he had it all, but it all came to a head when he realized he wasn’t honoring his core self and felt a strong calling to elevate himself and bring alignment to his life. He crossed path with the plant medicine Ayahuasca and then everything changed.
This is his story.
I recommend watching the interview on our YouTube channel if you can:
Enjoy 🙏❤️
- Creativity in the film industry
- Finding spiritual realization in hikes
- The magic of Sedona
- When ego takes over your dream
- Listening to your internal voice
- Experiential side of Ayahuasca
- Protecting yourself in order to give to others
- Weathering the unexpected in life
- Honoring your uniqueness and your core values
- Bringing your passion and voice back into your life
Connecting with Martin de Bókay
- French Guru on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frenchguru/
About Sébastien and the Sacred Creativity Retreat
- Contacting Sébastien: fooyad.com
- Sacred Creativity Retreat: sacredcreativityretreat.com
#creativity #create #creator #authenticity #authentic #yourvoice #plantmedicine #ayahuasca #spiritualjourney #journey #spiritual #inspiration #mentalhealth #filmindustry #hollywood #sedona #leadership #leader #leadershipedelics #podcast #live #interview