David Drapkin, Director of Education at Psychedelics Today on Psychedelic Therapy and His journey (S3E4)
Today, we catchup with returning guest David Drapkin, Director of Education and Training at Psychedelics Today to talk about the Vital Psychedelic Therapy Training Program (https://www.vitalpsychedelictraining.com/) and his journey since we last met over a year ago. David reflects on what they learned in the first year of Vital, some of the highlights of the program, who can apply, and why this program is different from other Psychedelic Therapy Training programs.
We also talk about David's journey since our last episode, his upcoming move to Israel, a huge step for him and his family, and the reason, the pull, the calling behind the move. This was such an enjoyable discussion full of inspiration, reflection and lots of info on psychedelic therapy training.
Previous episode with David to learn more about his personal journey:
Connecting with David or Vital
- David is on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/daviddrapkin/
- Learn more about the Vital Certification program at https://www.vitalpsychedelictraining.com/
Applications must be received before March 19th, 2023.
Connecting with Sébastien
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel (interviews and more): https://www.youtube.com/@leadershipedelics
- Seb's personal site: Fooyad.com
- On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastienfouillade/
Cover art and background interview provided by #midjourney